Read God’s Word – Luke 11 Encouragement

I hope you have been reading the chapter each day and listening to what the Lord is saying specifically to you as you read. If you have, then I KNOW you have been blessed. Please share some of those blessings with me and I will assemble and share some of them with the whole group.
Now, how do I KNOW you’ve been blessed if you’ve been reading and listening? Because Jesus said so — “blessed are those who hear the Word of God and observe it.” (Luke 11:28)
The Greek word for observe here means to guard or watch lest he escape. We need to get ahold of God’s Word and not let it get away. Because (another definition of that Greek word) we are to guard for one’s own safety’s sake. God put Life in His Word. God Performs His Word. The Promises of God are in His Word. He wrote it for our own safety’s sake – that we would be protected and provided for; even experiencing His Love, Peace, and Joy in this world.
So, here’s the Encouragement: Let’s make a habit of reading His Word each day – at least a chapter, and observe (hold onto) what He tells us through it. “Blessed are those who hear the Word of God and observe it!”
God bless,