Month: November 2020

You are Justified in Christ — Weekly Encouragement – November 22, 2020

You are Justified in Christ — Weekly Encouragement – November 22, 2020

……………I LOVE this Picture! It shows the reality of every believer!!………….. Greetings Friend,        The theological dictionary definition of “justified” is “declared or made righteous in the sight of God.” In other words, the definition is, “JUST-IF-I’D NEVER SINNED!”        “being JUST-IF-IED AS A GIFT BY HIS GRACE through …Read More…

Holy Spirit Teacher — Weekly Encouragement – November 15, 2020

Holy Spirit Teacher — Weekly Encouragement – November 15, 2020

Greetings Friend,        “As for you, the Anointing which you received from Him abides in you, and you have no need for anyone to teach you; but as His Anointing teaches you about all things, and is True and is not a lie, and just as it has …Read More…

Grow in Christ — Weekly Encouragement – November 8, 2020

Grow in Christ — Weekly Encouragement – November 8, 2020

Greetings Friend,        Nothing but Scripture this week – we need God alone and His guiding Word more than anything!        Peter wrote in his second letter, “…be diligent to be found by Him in Peace, spotless and blameless, and regard the patience of our …Read More…