Have Real Faith in God — Weekly Encouragement – August 16, 2020

Greetings Friend,
“Where is your Faith?” (Luke 8:25) That’s what Jesus asked His disciples when they were in a boat in a storm and afraid they were going to die. Are you afraid of things – health (covid), finances, family dynamics, etc.? Where is your Faith? We say, “In God we Trust”, but do we really?
In Luke 9:37-42 we see the story of a father who asked Jesus’ disciples to cast a demon out of his son, but they couldn’t. When Jesus showed up and was given this report, He said, “You unbelieving and perverted generation, how long shall I be with you and put up with you?” Jesus was saying because of their lack of Faith they could not free the child.
In Luke 7:36-50 there is a story of Jesus eating at a Pharisee’s home and a woman worshiping and thanking Jesus – and “Loving much”. In verse 50 Jesus said to her, “Your Faith has saved you, go in peace.”
In Luke 8:43-48 we read of a woman who hemorrhaged blood for 12 years and was determined to even just touch Jesus’ robe to be healed. Jesus said to her, “Daughter, your Faith has made you well, go in peace.”
Faith in God brings His Kingdom on earth, as it is in Heaven. Did you notice? In our reading this week alone Jesus shows us that Faith keeps us safe; Faith casts out demonic oppression; Faith saves; Faith heals …
So, here’s the Encouragement: Let’s follow the same counsel Jesus gave to Jairus in Luke 8:50. When it looked like his only daughter had died, Jesus said, “Do not be afraid any longer; Only Believe and she will be made well.”
Oh, by the way – Jairus’ daughter was raised up. Faith also raises the dead. Let’s Trust in God for real.
God bless,