Speak Confidently about Jesus — Weekly Encouragement – May 31, 2020

………………………………………………………Give people the Lamb of God – give people Life!………………………………………………
Greetings Friend,
“…concerning these things I want you to speak confidently, so that those who have believed God will be careful to engage in good deeds. These things are good and profitable for men.” (Titus 3:8)
Don’t you want to encourage people toward good deeds? (Most of the time what I hear is “Do this!” and “Quit doing that!”) Don’t you want to give people what is good and profitable? How can we do that? So, what is it that God wants us to speak confidently about so that we can help people in this way?
“But when the Kindness of God our Savior and His Love for mankind appeared, He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His Mercy, by the washing, of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that being Justified by His Grace we would be made Heirsaccording to the Hope of Eternal Life. This is a trustworthy statemen; concerning these things I want you to speak confidently, so that those who have believed God will be careful to engage in good deeds. These things are good and profitable for men” (Titus 3:4-8)
So, here’s the Encouragement: (Let’s really help people with behavior issues.) Let’s speak boldly and confidently about the Kindness of God; the Love of God; our Salvation according to His Mercy; Holy Spirit,who we have richly; our Justification by His Grace; that we are made Heirs with Jesus of all the Blessingsof God; starting now and for all Eternity. I’m thinking that when they get ahold of all of the aspects of all of that, behavior will no longer be an issue – at least that’s what God’s Word says.
God bless,