Proclaim God’s Kingdom – Luke 9 Encouragement

“for the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them.” (Luke 9:56) “Save” = “sozo” which means:
- To deliver, keep safe and sound, to rescue from danger or destruction
- To save a suffering one (from perishing), i.e. one suffering from disease
- To make well, heal, restore to health
- To save from the evils which obstruct the reception of the Messianic deliverance
- To deliver from the penalties of the Messianic judgment
Jesus came for so much more than just giving us a chance to go to Heaven when we die – if we’re good enough. When Jesus sent His disciples out, He instructed them to go just like He went, to “proclaim the Kingdom of God and to perform healing.” (Luke 9:2)
The salvation that Jesus brought is all about experiencing the peace and joy and healing of His Kingdom here and now. Declaring and exhibiting that is what He calls all disciples to. Jesus is saying, “Follow Me.” (Luke 9:59) Walk like I walked.
We need to get over the weak religious, church-going notion of salvation that often teaches a future, far-off God and His Kingdom.
So, here’s the Encouragement: Just like Jesus said to the guy who thought he had a good reason to put off following Him, “as for you, go and proclaim everywhere the Kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:60) Have you said “Yes” to the Lord? Is Jesus in you? Let Jesus “sozo” people through you. Don’t put off letting the Love of God and His Kingdom flow.
God bless,